Original Writings
A Kind “No” Can Make You Happy
Saying the word “no” can sting. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of no is pain. But maybe it is time that we redefine it. It is time to take the shame out of it so we can use it in a positive context. A harsh “no” is hurtful. A plain “no” could be confusing. But a kind “no”? That one is useful. That one deserves a spotlight.
In The End, The Quietly Determined Wins
The person that brings the most value is the doer than the talker. Talk is easy. Often, it is cheap. It requires almost no effort to speak. But to act? To do something you say you will do? That demands strength. It asks for your time and energy.
Learning to just be is not an adorable mantra you display on the wall. It is a daily commitment worth embedding into the fabric of our lives. In an unpredictable universe where we can literally lose everything in a bat of an eye, letting go is our only armor.
A happy story is nice. It warms us on the inside. But it’s not that impacting. What we prefer are stories of redemption. What we like to hear is character development over someone who is happy all the time.
To Shake Up Your World, You Must Do This
Growth requires shaking up your world. It’s unlearning some of your preconceived notions. The recognition of your subconscious biases. It’s fostering the courage to explore on your own.
The Honest Truth About Being Happy And Successful In Your 20s
Your job in your twenties is to build a strong moral foundation, to get to know yourself thoroughly, to be comfortable on your own and clearly define what success and happiness looks like to you
I Hope You Surrender All The Heaviness Inside Your Heart To God
So I hope you trust him. Trust that when he takes something away from you, it only means he’s going to replace it with a better one.
A Reminder That You Are Meant For Great Things
The future is uncertain. It can be scary just thinking about it sometimes. But isn’t beautiful to not know what’s going to happen? Isn’t it freeing to let go and just trust?